Source code for naif.spec

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar as minimize
from ._base_funcs import inner_prod, gs, chi_p, mn_phi_om

twopi = 2.*np.pi

[docs]def find_peak_freqs(f_k, t, n_freqs=1, p=1, spec=False, brent_tol=1e-10, eps_spec=1e-7, n_scan_peak=100): """Finds frequencies of peaks in the power spectrum, from highest to lowest amplitudes Parameters ---------- f_k: float array (size N) Time-series associated with a coordinate; e.g.: f = r, or f = r + ivr t: float array (size N) Time-steps for the time-series n_freqs: int, optional Maximum number of frequencies to extract. 1 if only the leading frequency p: int, optional The p parameter of the Window function chi_p; p=0 for no windowing; p=1 for the Hanning window spec: boolean, optional Output the spectra before extraction of each frequency? brent_tol: float, optional Tolearance error for Brent's minimum finder method eps_spec: float, optional Minimum amplitude for keeping extracting freqss. If below that, it ends before extracting all freqs. n_scan_peak: int, optional Number of points where phi(omega) is evaluated. In case Brent's method fails (rarely used). Returns ------- om_k: float array or number Extracted frequencies, in descending order of amplitude a_k: complex array or number Amplitudes associated to the frequencies om_k spec_k: (optional, depending on spec) complex array; Format (n_freqs, N) or size N. Full (windowed) spectrum before extraction of kth freq. """ N = len(f_k) tc = 0.5*(t[0] + t[-1]) # center of the time base-line t_sym = t - tc # time symmetric around tc T = t[-1] - t[0] fourpi_T = 2.*twopi/T chi = chi_p(t_sym, p=p) # window function # normal vectors from Gram-Schimidt orthonomalization: e = np.zeros((n_freqs, N), dtype=np.complex128) om_k = np.zeros(n_freqs) a_k = np.zeros(n_freqs, dtype=np.complex128) spec_k = np.zeros((n_freqs, N)) # frequencies where DFT is evaluated: om = twopi*np.fft.fftfreq(N, T/N) # windowed time-series: f_k_chi = f_k*chi # Extracting "fake" line at om = 0 (sum of amplitudes): # Because of the windowing, this line has a finite width, # and needs to be extracted like the others: # e_0 = np.exp(1j*om[0]*t_sym) # because om[0] = 0: e_0 = np.ones_like(t_sym) # complex amplitude of om = 0: a_0 = inner_prod(t_sym, f_k_chi, e_0) # Extract peak from time-series: f_k = f_k - a_0*e_0 # Start real extraction for k in range(n_freqs): f_k_chi = f_k*chi # original NAFF starts without windowing: # FT_k = np.fft.fft(f_k)/N # but windowing from the start identifies freqs. # in the right order, and the 1st is the leading one: spec_k[k] = np.abs(np.fft.fft(f_k_chi)/N) # identify raw (discrete) max. and a range around it: om_max = om[np.argmax(spec_k[k])] om_inf = om_max - fourpi_T om_sup = om_max + fourpi_T # mn_phi(omega) = - |<f(t), e^(i*omega*t)>| # values used as brackets in Brent's method: mn_phi_om_max = mn_phi_om(om_max, f_k_chi, t_sym) mn_phi_om_inf = mn_phi_om(om_inf, f_k_chi, t_sym) mn_phi_om_sup = mn_phi_om(om_sup, f_k_chi, t_sym) # Normally, phi(omega) has a maximum # (and -phi a minimum) near om_max, # and both -phi(om_inf) and # -phi(om_sup) > -phi(omega_max): if ((mn_phi_om_inf > mn_phi_om_max) & (mn_phi_om_sup > mn_phi_om_max)): best_peak = minimize(mn_phi_om, args=(f_k_chi, t_sym), bracket=(om_inf, om_max, om_sup), tol=brent_tol, method='brent') # the frequency at the peak: om_k[k] = best_peak.x else: # when it's crowded with peaks # (or the interval is not large enough) # and the minimum is not well bracketed, # we scan mn_phi_om looking for the local minimum print ('Frequency ',k+1, ' - Peak not found in first shot. Refining...') try: scan_om = np.linspace(om_inf, om_sup, n_scan_peak) scan_phi = np.zeros(len(scan_om)) for i in range(n_scan_peak): scan_phi[i] = mn_phi_om(scan_om[i], f_k_chi, t_sym) # identify among where derivative changes sign, # the one with minimum value: d1 = np.diff(scan_phi) d1sign = np.sign(d1) signchange = ((np.roll(d1sign, 1)[1:] - d1sign[1:]) != 0).astype(int) idx = np.where(signchange ==1)[0] idx_min = idx[np.argmin(scan_phi[idx])] om_k[k] = scan_om[idx_min] except: print ('Frequency ',k+1, 'Unable to find peak frequency') break #un-normalized vector: u = np.exp(1j*om_k[k]*t_sym) if (k==0): # The first one is necessarily normalized: e[k] = u else: # Gram-Schimidt ortonormalization to get e from u: e[k] = gs(t_sym, u, e[:k], chi) # complex amplitude at om_k: a_k[k] = inner_prod(t_sym, f_k_chi, e[k]) # remove spectral line from time-series: f_k = f_k - a_k[k]*e[k] if (np.abs(a_k[k]) < eps_spec): break # deliver frequencies in descending order of amplitude: idx_sort = np.argsort(-np.abs(a_k)) a_k = a_k[idx_sort] om_k = om_k[idx_sort] if (spec==True): spec_k = spec_k[idx_sort] if (n_freqs==1): out_spec = spec_k[0] else: out_spec = spec_k[:k+1] if (n_freqs==1): out_om = om_k[0] out_a = a_k[0] else: # :k+1 is in case less than n_freqs are extracted: out_om = om_k[:k+1] out_a = a_k[:k+1] if (spec==False): return out_om, out_a else: return out_om, out_a, out_spec